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Dosbarth 4 2019-20

Dosbarth Penygraig

Athrawes : Mrs Emma James

Cynorthwy-ydd : Miss Stephanie Elliott


Plant Blwyddyn 2: 22 Blwyddyn 1: 8

Twitter: @Dosb4_YGGB


Dawns y Samba


Bondiau rhif i 20

Joio yn yr ysgol

Joio yn yr ysgol

Each child will be given a pack of stationary and this will be for them to use for the time they're in school or the HUB.

We will be welcoming some of the children back next week. I've taken a few photographs of the class for them to see how it looks before school starts so that it's not a shock to them. As you can see the tables are numbered. I will give your child a number in the morning and that will be your child's chair/ table for the day. Coats and bags are to be kept on the chair and not on their hooks. I'm so looking forward to seeing them!

Dysgu o’r cartref. Dilyn rysait yr wythnos, gwaith celf, chwarae bingo amser. Gwych plantos!

Dilyn rysait i wneud hufen iâ.

Dysgu o’r cartref

Plant yn brysur.

Efelychu gwaith Pablo Picasso

Helo Dosbarth 4

Mi welais i gyda llygaid bach i..

Dysgu o’r cartref

Dysgu o’r cartref

Dysgu o’r cartref - Learning from home 20.4.20

All tasks are on HWB

Dysgu o’r cartref - Learning from home

Dysgu o’r cartref - Learning from home

Dysgu o’r cartref.

Wythnos 4: Creadigol/ Be Creative 13.4.20

Gweithgareddau ar Hwb


Dysgu o’r cartref - Learning from home

Dysgu o’r cartref - Learning from home

Dysgu o’r cartref - Learning from home.

A few ideas!

Twitter : @Dosb4_YGGB

Wythnos 3 - week 3 6.4.20 (I've put lots of lovely ideas on twitter too - have a look)

Ideas to keep the children busy 30.3.20. There are tasks I'll be putting on HWB weekly too. This week there's a math's challenge and a diary to write.

I've set a 'Datrys problemau'  and and adjectives task for the children. If you log on to HWB. Then press  just2easy, - 'tudalennau'r disgyblion' -Clic the year (year 1 or 2) - on left hand side clic 'ffeiliau wedi rhannu' . Your child will then need to press 'Golygu' - 'arbed'  before they can start working on the document. Enjoy! There’s a video on the parents page with guidance on how to access the work. Have a look and enjoy. I shall look forward to seeing their work.

This may help!

Rydyn ni’n gallu darllen y cloc!

Disgrufio Cymeriad o lyfr David Walliams

1af, 2il a 3ydd yn yr Eisteddfid

Cadw’n Iach

Rap Caneuon Gwerin

Still image for this video

Caneuon Gwerin

Still image for this video

Datrys Problemau

Cyfri Arian

Didoli siapiau afreolaidd

Ymchwilio i siapiau 3d

Ionawr Iach trwy ymarfer Ioga

Pleidleisio am eu hoff garden Nadolig

Ble mae Sion Corn?

Priodas y flwyddyn

Something for the children on Christmas Eve. Enjoy.

Os gwelwch yn dda Sion Corn ga i.......?

Pwy sydd wedi bod yn siarad cymraeg dros y bythefnos ddiwethaf?

Ymdrechwr yr wythnos

Creu Popplet o fwyd priodasol

Rydw i’n gallu adio degau

Am ddilyniant!

Still image for this video

Ymdrechwyr yr wythnos.

Sul y Cofiio

Ditectifs digidol yn ymchwilio i olion traed pobl.

Joio yn y Jambori! Cyfranwyr mentrus, creadigol!

Perfformiad i ddathlu gwaith Yr Eidal 🇮🇹 Cyfranwyr mentrus, creadigol

Gwneud pitsa. Iym iym! Cyfranwyr mentrus, creadigol, Dysgwyr uchelgeisiol, galluog

Bella Italia. Dysgu ar yr Eidal.

Ar eich marciau, barod, NEIDIWCH! Iechyd a Lles.

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Hapusrwydd ✅ Iona Iachus ✅ Iechyd a Lles ✅

Amser ioga, amser joio, amser i ddawnsio! Iechyd a Lles

Still image for this video

Didoli eilrifau ac odrifau

Gweithio fel Gwenllian Galluog wrth drefnu rhifau

Plant gwybodus fel Guto Gwybodus

Peryglon tân

Dysgwyr uchelgeisiol, galluog

Dysgwyr Uchelgeisiol a Galluog

Dysgu am Algorithm. Dysgwyr Uchelgeisiol, Galluog, cyfranwyr mentrus, creadigol

Uniogolion Iach, hyderus

Dysgwyr Uchelgeisiol, galluog

Dinasyddion Egwyddorol, Gwybodus yn annog Cymru i ennill!

Unigolion Iach, Hyderus

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Unigolion Iach, Hyderus

Still image for this video
