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Dosbarth 6 2019-20

Croeso i ddosbarth Gelli !

Athrawes - Mrs Riding

Blwyddyn 3 a 4


Mae 31 o blant yn ein dosbarth ni eleni. Rydyn ni’n mwynhau dod i’r ysgol i siarad Cymraeg , chwarae gyda’n ffrindiau ac i ddysgu pethau newydd. Mae gwaith cartref yn dod adref bob dydd Gwener ac yn dod yn ôl i'r ysgol erbyn dydd Mercher.  Mae ymarfer corff ar ddydd Mawrth a dydd Iau felly bydd angen dillad addas. Rydyn ni'n newid ein llyfrau darllen gyda'r angen ond os bosib ddylai disgyblion dod a'u ffeiliau darllen bob dydd.



There are 31 children in our class this year. We enjoy coming to school to speak Welsh, to play with our friends and to learn new things. Homework is assigned on a Friday and is handed in by Wednesday.  Every Tuesday and Thursday we have P.E. therefore adequate clothing will be required. Our reading books are changed as needed although pupils should try to remember to bring their reading files every day.






Trydar/Twitter: @Dosbarth6_YGGB

Croese i chi fy ebostio er mwyn eich helpu a chefnogi / Your welcome to email me to ask for help or support

Dyma ni / Here we are;

Diwedd tymor yr Haf / End of Summer term

Wel , dyma ni wedi cyrraedd y diwrnod olaf y flwyddyn. Am flwyddyn wahanol ! Dwi mor browd ohonoch chi am eich ymdrechion yn ystod adeg mor heriol ac anodd. Dwi wedi bod wrth fy modd yn darllen eich gwaith ar lein a gweld eich holl luniau a fideos. Croeso i chi barhau gyda'r tasgau dros yr Haf a bydd yn baratoad gwych ar gyfer Blwyddyn 4 a 5!


Cofiwch i wneud y 3 pheth yma;


1. Cadwch yn saff

2. Byddwch yn hapus

3. Gwnewch dipyn bach o ddysgu pob dydd.


Joiwch y gwyliau a fe welai chi gyd ym mis Medi , 


Cariad mawr, Mrs Riding x

Cofiwch i ..  / Remember to ..

- gwblhau tasgau sydd wedi'u rhannu ar J2easy ar Hwb / complete tasks that have been shared on J2easy on Hwb

- darllen yn ddyddiol / Read regularly

- gwylio rhaglenni Cymraeg e.e Stwnsh,S4C / watch Welsh programmes eg Stwnsh on S4C

- chwarae ar apiau Cymraeg/ Welsh apps

- ymarfer eich llawysgrifen / practice your handwriting


Gweler linciau defnyddiol a thaflenni gyda syniadau di-ri ar dudalen 'Dysgu o'r Cartref'/ Refer to useful links and a variety of ideas on our 'Learning from Home' page 



Starting back to school from the 29th


We will be welcoming some of the children back next week. Here’s a video of the class for them to see how it looks before school starts so that it’s not a shock to them. The tables are numbered. I will give your child a number in the morning and that will be your child’s chair/ table for the day. Coats and bags are to be kept on the chair and not on their hooks.

I’m so looking forward to seeing them !

Croeso nôl / Welcome back

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Thema 'Carped Hud' 29/6/20 / 'Magic Carpet' theme 29/6/20

Home learning Top Tips

Tips for returning to school

Neges gan Mrs Riding / A message from Mrs Riding

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Fideo bach i chi oddi wrtha i Ddosbarth 6. Diolch am eich gwaith anhygoel hyd yn hyn ! Dwi'n colli chi gyd / A little video from me to you ! Thank you for all your incredible work so far ! Missing you all. Mwynhewch eich hanner tymor , cadwch yn saff.

Thema wythnos 22/6/20 - 'Fy hoff bethau'

This week's theme - 'My favourite things'

Prosiect ar gyfer wythnos 22/6/20 / Project for the week 22/6/20

Ein thema 'Ffrwythau a Llysiau' / Our theme 'Fruits and Vegetables'

Tasgau ar gyfer wythnos 8/6/20 'Creu Capsiwl Covid 19' / Tasks for week 8/6/20 'Creating a Time Capsule'

Creu Capsiwl Covid 19 / Create a Time Capsule

The Day the crayons quit - Books Alive! Read Aloud book for children

Books Alive! Read aloud Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers hilarious account of the revolt of Ducan's misused and unhappy crayons. A great children's book for c...

Dysgu yn yr ardd/ Learning in the garden

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Gwaith Cartref ar gyfer yr Hanner Tymor / Homework for the Half Term [25.5.20]  


We will continue with our theme of 'Plants' , 'Minibeasts' , and 'In the garden' after half term, looking closer at Flowers and Seeds . Over the half term it would be great if you can do as much 'gardening' as possible; planting and growing seeds. How about trying to grow some Sunflowers , decorating plant pots, making a wind chime or help with the general tasks in the garden ?

Remember to take as many pictures as possible or record what you've done [ for eg in a diary and save in your files on J2easy for me to see]

Discover what plants grow in your gardens or nearby and find out more about how they grow and what they need. Hopefully, we'll have plenty of sunshine to enjoy this.


This week is also an opportunity to complete tasks that have been previously set [ if not completed already]. If you need help or support with certain tasks please let me know via J2message [J2easy , Hwb] or you can email me on address above.


Thank you for all your support over the past weeks,


Enjoy the coming week and please stay safe,


Mrs Riding x



Thema yr wythnos hon [ 1.6.20 ] yw 'Hadau a Blodau' / This week's theme is 'Seeds and flowers'

Tasgau ar gyfer wythnos 1.6.20 'Hadau a Blodau' / Tasks foe week 1.6.20 'Seeds and Flowers'

Thema yr wythnos hon [ 18.5.20] yw 'Yr ardd ' / This week's theme is 'The garden'

Tasgau a syniadau am wythnos 18.5.20/ Tasks and ideas for week 18.5.20

Darpariaeth parhaus / Continuous tasks

Tasgau yn yr ardd / Enjoying tasks in the garden

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Rydym yn dysgu sgiliau newydd ac yn joio / We are learning new skills and having fun #homelearning

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Enfysau o obaith / Rainbows of hope

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Negesuon gan blant Dosbarth 5 a 6

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Thank you to all the children who sent in messages to their friends and classes. Cofia ‘ Daw eto haul ar fryn ‘ xx ☀️🌈🌈

Enfys yn y Ffenest gan Tudur Dylan Jones ac Einir Dafydd

Cywaith gan y bardd Tudur Dylan Jones ac Einir Dafydd dros gyfnod aros adre Covid19.

Thema yr wythnos hon [ 11.5.20] yw 'Trychfilod' / This week's theme is 'Minibeasts' [ 11.5.20 ]

Dewis o weithgareddau / A choice of activities

Trychfilod / Minibeasts

Yn brysur yn dysgu am drychfilod / Busy learning about Minibeasts

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Sesiynau wythnosol RWI / RWI daily session timetable

Ein thema yr wythnos hon yw Diwrnod Buddugoliaeth yn Ewrop / Our theme this week [ 4.5.20 ] is VE Day

Diwrnod Buddugoliaeth yn Ewrop 8/5/20 VE Day on the 8th of May. 75th anniversary !!

The theme for this week is VE Day . This will be celebrated on Friday 8th of May 2020.


Lots of celebrations will be happening across the country but maybe in a slightly different way this year .


As preparation for this , I’ve included power points and video clips in order to understand why we celebrate VE Day with some activities to follow.


It’s  optional to have a picnic or garden party on Friday.


 During the week I’ll be posting Maths activities based on preparing the food [looking at shopping lists, food prices and cookery skills] and choosing a selection of music [ considering the length of tracks etc]. These activities will be posted during the week on Just2easy on Hwb


There are lots of activities and ideas on here. Please complete what you can , making sure you select a balance of activities eg Maths, Language, Science, Expressive Art, Humanities, Well being over the week. I appreciate all your hard work and interest at home and enjoy sharing pictures and work on the school page. It’s lovely celebrating all your fantastic work !


Mrs Riding x

Ein thema yr wythnos hon [ 27.4.20] yw 'Pili Palod' / Our theme for this week is 'Butterflies'

Pili palod / Butterflies

Hen ffefryn 'Y Lindysyn llwglyd iawn' / An old favourite ' Y Lindysyn llwglyd iawn'

Ein thema yr wythnos hon [20.4.20] yw 'Enfysau' / Our theme for this week [20.4.20] is 'Rainbows'

Tasgau ar gyfer 20.4.20 / Tasks for the week 20.4.20

Enfysau gwych ! / Amazing Rainbows !

Dewch i wylio'r fidio.../ Come and watch our video

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Diolch G.I.G
Thank you NHS

Neges arbennig / A special message xxx

Negesuon hyfryd / Lovely messages

Tasgau i gwblhau yn ystod yr wythnos 13.4.20/ Tasks to complete during the week 13.4.20

Tasgau i wneud yn ystod wythnos 30.3.20/ Tasks to complete for week 30.3.20

Tasgau i gwblhau yn ystod yr wythnos 6.4.20/ Tasks to complete during the week 6.4.20

Stori'r Pasg/ The story of Easter

Arbrawf hydoddi / Which solids dissolve [hydoddi] in water ?

Dysgu o'r Cartref / Home Learning


Edrychwch am syniadau ar ein Tudalen 'Dysgu o'r cartref' / Look on the 'Home Learning' page for some ideas ...

Sgiliau pwysig i ymarfer yn ddyddiol/ Important skills to practice daily

Children can complete tasks on paper, in books that have been sent home or on J2Easy on Hwb. All Hwb details have been sent home.


We would love to be able to see the work they are completing and pictures of any practical and fun activities they've been busy doing and Hwb is a great way of sharing these with us. Children could also make a scrapbook about their 'Home Learning'. They could include pictures, write about what they've been doing and decorate their books and bring them back into school to share with the rest of the class. 


I will also set tasks on Hwb. There is a video on the 'Home Learning' page of website for children who are unsure how to open set tasks. Children should complete tasks on Hwb if possible, although we understand that a laptop/iPad may not always be available so they can complete some on paper/ in books if that's easier.  


All children are different so please feel free to simplify tasks or set challenges for your children to suit their individual needs.

Dysgwyr uchelgeisiol, galluog

Yn creu rheolau ar gyfer ein dosbarth / deciding on rules for our classroom

Ein Thema y tymor yma yw ‘Dathliadau’

Our theme this term is ‘Celebrations’

Cyfranwyr mentrus a chreadigol

Rydym yn dathlu Diwrnod Roald Dahl 📚/ We are celebrating Roald Dahl’s day

Unigolion iach, hyderus

Diwrnod Hwyl yr Urdd / Fun day with the Urdd

Cyfranwyr mentrus, creadigol

Pwy yw Iona Iach?/ Who is Iona Iach?

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Rydym yn cyflwyno Iona Iach yn y gwasanaeth/ We are presenting Iona Iach in the assembly
#y4diben #cwricwlwmnewydd

Ymwelydd pwysig / Important visitor = Super Attender

Dinasyddion egwyddorol, gwybodus

Dathlu Diwrnod Ailgylchu / Celebrating Recycle day

Rydym wedi ailgylchu papur/ We have recycled paper

Dathlu Diwrnod Shwmae Sumae

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Pwysigrwydd dechrau sgwrs yn Gymraeg/ Starting a conversation in Welsh

Joio yn y Jambori ! Helo Mr Urdd!

Dysgwyr uchelgeisiol, galluog

Meddwl Gyfrifiannol gyda Technocamp / Computational thinking with Technocamp

Unigolion iach ac hyderus

Gwersi Ioga! Yoga lessons. Teimlad o Hapusrwydd/ a feeling of Happiness

Dinasyddion egwyddorol, gwybodus

Rydym wrth ein boddau yn cefnogi Cymru yng Nghwpan Rygbi’r Byd 2019 / We are overjoyed in supporting Wales in the Rugby World Cup 2019 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

Unigolion iach, hyderus

Dyma ni’n ymarfer ein sgiliau Rygbi/ Here we are practicing our rugby skills🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿💪

Joio yn ein Disgo Calan Gaeaf🎃 / Dancing in our Halloween disco 🎃

Unigolion iach, hyderus

Yn dathlu ‘Wythnos Iechyd a Lles’

Celebrating ‘ Our healthy and Well-being week’

Byw’n iach / Healthy living

Sawl ‘Burpee’ mewn munud?

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Amcangyfrif 🤔

Dathlu Diwrnod Plant Mewn Angen / Celebrating Children in Need #helpueraill #helpingothers #dodyngnghyd #gettingtogether
