Helpu ein cymuned/ Helping our community
Ym mis Rhagfyr, dechreuon ni weithio gyda Stephanie o Gymunedau Dysgu Cymru a’r cynllun Arwyr Digidol er mwyn helpu pobl yn ein cymuned ddatblygu eu sgiliau digidol. Cawsom hyfforddiant gan Stephanie a Mrs Halls er mwyn cynnal noson o hyfforddiant lle cyflwynom sut i ddefnyddio Google, lluniau a maps, skype, youtube a sut i greu cyfrineiriau cryf.
In December, we started working with Stephanie from Learning Communities Wales and the Digital Heroes scheme to help people in our community develop their digital skills. We received training from Stephanie and Mrs Halls in order to hold an evening where we introduced Google, Maps and images, skype, youtube and strong passwords to the community.
Noson Ddiogelwch ar-lein/ Online Safety evening
Ar ddiwrnod diogelwch ar y rhyngrwyd, trefnom noson ddiogelwch ar-lein i’r rhieni, y staff, y gymuned a’r llywodraethwyr. Siaradom am wahanol agweddau o ddiogelwch ar-lein o safbwynt ni fel plant. Hefyd, creom bosteri i hysbysebu’r noson i drydaru a’u gosod o gwmpas yr ysgol. Gofynnom i Mrs Halls a Stephanie o gymunedau digidol Cymru siarad am fwy o agweddau diogelwch ar-lein ond mwy o safbwynt oedolion.
On Safer Internet Day, we arranged an online safety evening for our parents, the staff, the community and the governors. We spoke about different aspects of online safety from our perspective as children. Also, we created a poster to advertise the evening and tweeted it as a reminder. We invited Mrs Halls and Stephanie from Digital Communities Wales to speak about other aspects of online safety, but mainly from a parent's perspective.
Ar fore diwrnod diogelwch ar y rhyngrwyd, aethom ni i bob dosbarth yn yr ysgol i drafod agweddau pwysig o ddiogewlch ar-lein gyda’r disgyblion. Atebon ni unrhyw gwestiynau roedd gan y disgyblion.
On the morning of Safer Internet Day, we visited every class within the school to give them an important message about online safety. We answered any questions that the pupils had on the aspects we spoke about.
Dysgu dosbarthiadau eraill/ Teaching other classes
Yn y clwb TGch ar ôl ysgol, mae Mrs Halls yn addysgu sgiliau i ni gynorthwyo ein hathrawon a helpu disgyblion ein dosbarth. Gyda phwyslais mawr ar hwb, rydym yn dysgu sut i ddefnyddio’r gwahanol raglenni. Am y pythefnos diwethaf, astudiom ni j2e5 yn y clwb er mwyn helpu dosbarthiadau dysgu’r nodweddion. Aethom at ddosbarth 4 i’w helpu creu poster yn defnyddio’r rhaglen. Hoffem barhau gyda chynorthwyo athrawon a disgyblion trwy eu helpu yn eu dosbarthiadau.
In the after school ICT club, Mrs Halls teaches us the skills we need to support our teachers and pupils of our class. With the emphasis being on hwb at the moment, we are learning to use the different programmes. Over the past fortnight, we have been learning the features of J2e5. We went to class 4 and helped them create a poster using the features of the programme.
Cystadleuaeth Arwyr Digidol/ Digital Heros Competition
Rydym wedi cymryd rhan mewn cystadleuaeth Arwyr Digidol gyda chymunedau digidol Cymru, ar ôl ni gael hyfforddiant gan Stephanie. Yn ddiweddar, cynhalion ni ddwy noson lle cyflwynom agweddau gwahanol o raglenni ac apiau digidol megis youtube, google maps a lluniau, skype, cyfrineiriau diogel ac ati. A’r ail noson, yn fwy diweddar eto lle trafodom ni agweddau pwysig o ddiogelwch ar y rhyngrwyd. Gofynnod y gystadleuaeth i ni gynhyrchu fideo dwy funud sy’n amlygu sut ydym wedi rhoi ein sgiliau digidol ar waith yn y gymuned. Bydd ceisiadau ar y rhestr fer yn cael eu rhoi i bleidlais gyhoeddus a bydd y sefydliad buddugol yn derbyn tlws a thystysgrif. Hoffem ddiolch i'r rhieni helpodd ni i greu'r fideo, rydym ni wir yn gwerthfawrogi eich cymorth.
We have taken part in a Digital Heroes competition in partnership with Digital Communities Wales, following our training with Stephanie. Recently, we have held 2 nights in the school where we have presented a few aspects of different apps and programmes such as skype, youtube, safe passwords, google maps and google images. Also, we held an online safety evening where we spoke about important issues of online safety. This competition required us to produce a 2 minute video which demonstrates how we as Digital Heroes, have put our skills into practice. Shortlisted entries will be put to a public vote and the winning school will receive a trophy and certificate.
We'd like to thank all of the parents who participated in the video, we really appreciate your support.
Hyfforddi athrawon ein hysgol/Training the teachers of our school
Ar noson gyfarfod staff, arhoson ni i gynorthwyo a hyfforddi’r athrawon ar sut i ddefnyddio iMovie a golygu’r ffilm.
On a night of a staff meeting, we agreed after school to support and train the teachers on how to use iMovie and edit the video.
Lledaenu’r neges bwysig i barchu ein hoffer digidol/ Spreading the important message to respect our digital equipment
Aethom ni i ddosbarthiadau 4-8 yn ystod ein hwythnosau cyntaf, i siarad gyda’r disgyblion am sut i edrych ar ôl ein hoffer digidol.
During the first few weeks of the new term, we went to classes 4-8 and spoke to the pupils about how to look after our digital equipment.
Y broses o ddewis Arweinwyr Digidol newydd/The process of choosing new digital leaders
Eleni, penderfynom ddewis Arweinwyr Digidol trwy gynnal cyfweliadau. Cawsom gyfarfod gyda’r plant a oedd gyda diddordeb i esbonio’r broses newydd. Dechreuom ni drwy feddwl am gwestiynau hoffem ofyn i’r Arweinwyr Digidol newydd gan ddefnyddio smartart. Nesaf, creom holiadur ar HWB gyda’r cwestiynau i ddanfon i’r plant hynny sydd â diddordeb. Gofynom iddynt gwblhau’r holiadur ar HWB a’i danfon nôl atom gyda phoster digidol sy’n dangos eu sgiliau digidol.
This year, we decided to choose our Digital Leaders slightly differently by holding interviews. We started by meeting with all of the pupils in years 3 to 6, whom were interested, to explain the new process. First of all, we planned questions we would like to ask new Digital Leaders using smartart. Then, we created a questionnaire using forms on HWB to send to pupils via email, again on HWB. We asked the pupils with interest to complete the questionnaire and send it back to us, along with a poster showing us their digital skills.
Noson Ddiogelwch ar-lein ac addasrwydd gemau/ Online Safety evening and the appropriateness of games (PEGI Ratings)
Trefnom ni noson i’r rhieni, y llywodraethwyr a’r gymuned i drafod diogelwch ar-lein cyffredinol ac addasrwydd gemau i’n hoedran. I ddechrau, aethom ni o gwmpas bob dosbarth a gofyn i blant Bronllwyn pa gemau maen nhw’n gwylio neu’n chwarae yn y tŷ. Roedd y canlyniadau’n ddiddorol gyda rhai plant ifanc yn chwarae GTA sy’n gêm gydag oedran o 18! Nesaf, creom holiadur i’r rhieni a defnyddion ni survey monkey i gasglu’r ymatebion. Cawsom ni nifer o ymatebion sy’n cytuno ac anghytuno gyda chanlyniadau holiaduron y plant. Penderfynom greu cyflwyniad sy’n dangos yr holl ganlyniadau i’r rhieni ar y noson benodedig.
We arranged a night for parents, governors and the community to discuss general online safety elements and the appropriateness of games. Firstly, we went to classes 3-8 and asked the pupils which games the played or have watched outside of school. The results were interesting, with some children as young as class 3 playing or watching GTA which is rated an 18 game! We created a survey for the parents using survey monkey to collect their responses about games. We had many responses and decided to create a presentation to report to the parents on our findings. They were shocked to say the least!
Cystadleuaeth Arwyr Digidol
Aethom ni i Sain Ffagan i ddathlu ein llwyddiannau o gyrraedd y rownd derfynol cystadleuaeth ‘Arwyr Digidol’ gyda 6 ysgol arall yng Nghymru. Siaradom ni am sut rydym ni wedi helpu pobl yn ein cymuned a’n hysgol. Yn anffodus, nid ein hysgol ni enillodd ond am lwyddiant i gyrraedd mor bell yn y gystadleuaeth!
We went to Sain Ffagan to celebrate our success in reaching the finals of the ‘Digital Heroes’ competition along with 6 other schools in Wales. We prepared a presentation speaking about how we have helped the community and our school with our Digital Hero project. Unfortunately, we did not win but what an achievement to reach as far as we did in the competition!