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Dosbarth 1 a 2 / Class 2018-19 1 and 2

Croeso i'r uned o dan 5

Dosbarthiadau 1 a 2

Classes 1 and 2.


Athrawes- Mrs Evans. 

Staff- Mrs Davies, Miss Saggers, Miss Sealey, Mrs Dunn a Miss Wilshire.


Eleni, mae 61 o blant yn yr uned o dan 5.

There are 61 children in the under 5 unit this year.


Diwrnodau Ymarfer corff-

Dosbarth 1- Dydd Mawrth

Dosbarth 2- Dydd Mercher.


Gwaith Cartref-  

Mae gwaith cartref yn dod adref ar ddydd Gwener a gofynnir yn garedig i chi ddychwelyd gwaith cartref erbyn y dydd Mercher  canlynol.

Homework will be sent home every Friday we kindly ask that completed homework is sent back to school by the following Wednesday. 










Hoffech chi wrando ar ein llyfrau electronig yn sôn am gylchred bywyd y broga? Would you like to listen to our i-book discussing the lifecycle of a frog?

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Seesaw_05-04-2019 11:06:38.mp4

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Thema- Amser Hudol- Jac a'r Goeden Ffa

Am stori anhygoel! Rydyn ni wedi mwynhau darllen stori Jac a'r Goeden Ffa. Dysgom am gylchred bywyd planhigyn ffa. What a wonderful story! We thoroughly enjoyed reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We learnt all about the lifecycle of a beanstalk.

Llyfrau electronig. I-books.

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Aethon ni ati i greu llyfrau electronig am broses cylchred bywyd planhigyn ffa. We created an i-book discussing the lifecycle of a beanstalk.

Seesaw_02-04-2019 11:23:33.mp4

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Mwy o luniau plannu..... We have green fingers!

Y Tri Mochyn Bach

Rydyn ni wedi mwynhau adeiladu gan archwilio siapiau 3d! We've enjoyed building houses with 3d shapes.

Hen deganau a theganau newydd. Past and present toys. Aethon ni ati i ddidoli teganau i'r gorffennol a phresennol.

Hen deganau a theganau newydd. Past and present toys. Edrychwch ar luniau TGCH dosbarth 1 o'u hoff degan. Class 1 have produced a digital drawing of their favourite toy.

Diwrnod y llyfr 2019- Sesiwn bydis darllen gyda dosbarth 6. World book day 2019- Reading our favourite books with our friends in class 6.

Wythnos ddiogelwch ar lein- Pwy sydd ar ochr arall y lein? Internet safety week- Who is on the other line?

Thema- Newidiadau- Tymhorau. Theme- Changes- Season.

Mae draenogod yn gaeafgysgu yn nhymor y Gaeaf. Maent yn hoffi i gysgu mewn pentyrrau mawr o ddail sych i gadw'n gynnes. Aethon ni ati i adeiladu cuddle i'r draenogod. Hedgehogs hibernate during the winter months to shelter from the cold weather. They tend to build a shelter with leaves we enjoyed building shelters for the animals that hibernate.

Mwynhau yn yr awyr agored! Yn nhymor yr Haf rydyn ni'n hoffi bwyta hufen ia. Beth hoffech chi brynu yn ein palwr hufen ia? Learning in our outdoor classroom! In the summer we enjoy eating refreshing ice cream. What would you like to purchase from the ice cream parlour?
