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Prosiect Balchder Bronllwyn

Dirgelwch y gist drysor/ The mystery of the treasure chest


Ar fore Llun, roedd yna gist anferthol yng nghanol y neuadd i bawb weld, ond o le daeth y gist? Ffeindiodd Mrs Gould ar gamerau yr     ysgol, fideo o Tony'n gosod hen gist yn y neuadd gyda nodyn 'Ffeindiais i hon yn yr atig'. Roedd y gist yn llawn hen eitemau ond dydyn ni ddim yn gwybod pwy adawodd y gist, beth yw'r eitemau neu bam. Felly, penderfynom fel ysgol edrych ar yr eitemau a dewisom eitem i bob dosbarth, fel gallent wneud gwaith ymchwil i mewn i'r eitem a'r gist.


On a Monday, there was a huge treasure chest left in the middle of the hall for everyone to see, but where did it come from? Mrs Gould found video footage of Tony placing the chest in hall with a note that said 'I found this in the attic'. The chest was full of old items but we didn't know who left the chest, why they left the chest or what all they items were. As a school, we looked at every item and we decided that every class should choose an item to research.


The camera footage that Mrs Gould found of Tony placing the treasure chest in the hall

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Pamffled y prosiect

Penderfynodd bob dosbarth creu fideo am yr hyn dysgon nhw yn ystod y tymor a sut mae'r eitem yn cystylltu gyda'n hardal leol.


Every class decided to create a video about what they had learnt about the object over the term and how it related to our local area.

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Ymddangosodd bwrdd golchi yn ein dosbarth ni. Roedd nifer yn meddwl taw offeryn oedd y teclyn. Yna ar ôl trip i’r Parc Treftadaeth a siarad gyda mamau a neiniau sylweddolon ni taw bwrdd golchi ydoedd. Roedd yn rhaid gwneud tipyn o ymchwilio i’r adnodd ar sut roedden ni fod i ddefnyddio hi. Daeth Chris Ashman i siarad gyda ni am ei phlentyndod. Cafodd Chris ei magu yn y Gelli. Dywedodd Chris roedd diwrnod golchi ei mam-gu yn ddiwrnod hir ac yn waith caled. Yn y Parc Treftadaeth cawsom blas ar sut i olchi dillad gyda’r bwrdd golchi, defnyddio dolly ac yna dolly pegs i hongian y dillad ar y lein i sychu.

A washboard appeared in our classroom. We had no idea what it was. Some of us thought it was a musical instrument After a trip to The Rhondda Heritage Park and speaking to our mothers and grandmothers we discovered it was a washboard. Mrs Chris Ashman came to speak to us about her childhood growing up in Gelli. Chris said that washday for her grandmother was long and hard work. In the Rhondda Heritage Park we had a fantastic day learning how to wash clothes using a washboard, dolly and then dolly pegs to hang up our clothes to dry.

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Roedd gennym ni ddiddordeb mawr yn y darnau o lo yn y gist. Dechreuom ni drwy edrych o le mae’r glo wedi dod ac ymchwiliom ni i fewn i byllau glo lleol. Er mwyn cael profiad o adeg y glo, aethom i’r Parc Treftadaeth a chawsom lawr o hwyl yn y pwll. Wrth wneud hyn, darganfyddom ni nifer o ffeithiau eraill a chysylltiadau’r Oes glo gyda phobl bwysig i’r ardal fel David Davies a’r teulu Crawshay Bailey. Pan aethom am dro yn ardal leol, gwelom fod nifer o enwau’r strydoedd yn berthnasol i’r Oes glo ac roedd angen i ni fod yn dditectifs i ddarganfod y rhesymau tu ôl enwau’r strydoedd.

We took a great interest in the pieces of coal that were in the chest. We started our project by researching where the coal came from and looking at the history of the local collieries. In order to experience the Coal Age, we went to Rhondda Heritage Park and we had a fantastic time under ground. Throughout the project, we started to make connections with The Coal Age and important people to our local area such as David Davies and the Crawshay Bailey family. When we went on our walk in the local area, we noticed that many of the street names are connected to the Coal Age and we found out by doing detective work, the reasons behind some of the street names.

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Yn ein prosiect, aethom ar daith i ddarganfod cyfrinachau ein trysor. Yn gyntaf, edrychom ni drwy’r Beibl yn ofalus. Rhwng y tudalennau, ffeindion ni hen luniau a llythyron. Trwy wneud gwaith ditectif, darganfyddom ni taw Benjamin Alun Williams oedd perchennog y Beibl. Yna, gwnaethom waith ymchwil ar y Beibl Cymraeg cyntaf. Aeth a hwn â ni i Ogledd Cymru i Dy Mawr Wybrnant, cartref yr Esgob William Morgan. Uchafbwynt ein prosiect oedd ymweld â’r eglwys leol yn Nhonpentre ac eistedd mewn gwasanaeth gyda Father Hayden.

Our project took us on an adventure to discover the secrets of our treasure. Firstly, we carefully looked through the Bible. In between the dusty pages, we found old photographs and letters. Through our detective work, we discovered that the Bible belonged to Benjamin Alun Williams, the generous gentleman who left us £30,000 in his will. Then, we researched the history of the first Welsh Bible. This took us to North Wales to Tŷ Mawr Wybrnant, the home of Bishop William Morgan. The highlight of our project was visiting the local church in Tonpentre, and to enjoy Father Hayden’s service about Jesus and friendship.

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Astudiom ni’r curwr carped a’r botel ddŵr poeth o’r gist. Er mwyn darganfod mwy o wybodaeth am hanes Gelli a dysgu am ba fath o gartrefi sydd yn ein hardal ni, edrychom ni ar y Sensws ac ar Google Maps a gweld bod nifer o dai teras yma. Tybed pam? Aethom ni i amgueddfa Sain Ffagan i ymweld â thai teras Rhyd y Car a dysgu am y ffordd mae’r tai wedi newid dros y blynyddoedd a pham a phwy oedd yn byw ynddynt. Rydym wedi darganfod sawl ffaith newydd ac wedi joio mas draw!

We studied the carpet beater and the hot water bottle after selecting those objects from the chest. In order to discover more information about Gelli, we looked at the Census and Google Maps and discovered that there were mostly terraced houses here which made us wonder why. We decided to visit St Fagans museum to learn about the history of houses. Whilst we were there, we visited the terraced houses from Rhyd y Car to see how they’ve changed over the years and learn about why they were built and who lived there. We learnt many new facts and we enjoyed the experience immensely!

Fideo Balchder Bronllwyn Dosbarth 7

Y gwrthrychau dewison ni o’r gist oedd hen luniau o ddisgyblion ac athrawon cyntaf ein hysgol ni. Aethom ni ati i geisio darganfod pwy oedd yn y lluniau. Astudiom ni hanes ein hysgol, ers iddi agor fel ysgol Saesneg dros 100 mlynedd yn ôl hyd heddiw. Uchafbwynt ein prosiect oedd ein taith i Ysgol Maestir yn Sain Ffagan lle cawson ni wers ysgol Oes Fictoria a dysgon ni lawer o bethau diddorol am hen ysgolion.

The items we chose from the chest were old pictures. After researching we discovered they were pictures of the first pupils and the first teachers of Bronllwyn school. We then went on to study the history of our school, from when the school first opened as an English school in 1912 to today. The pinnacle of our project was our trip to Ysgol Maestir at Saint Fagan’s where we travelled back in time and were taught a lesson as though we were Victorian children.

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Dewison ni’r raced tenis o’r gist drysor felly aethon ni ati i ddysgu am hanes chwaraeon yn y Rhondda. Aethon ni ati i ymchwilio i weld beth oedd y glowyr a’u teuluoedd yn gwneud yn eu hamser hamdden. Edrychon ni ar dri maes penodol sef paffwyr enwog fel Tommy Farr a Jimmy Wilde, bywydau’r pêl-droedwyr enwog ac astudiom yrfaoedd Cliff Morgan a Willie Llewellyn yn y byd rygbi. Roedd y disgyblion wrth eu boddau i ddarganfod fod Roy Paul, enillydd y Cwpan FA yn 1956, yn gyn-ddisgybl yn Ysgol Bronllwyn.

We chose the tennis racquet from the treasure chest so we started learning about the history of sport in the Rhondda. We started to research what the miners and their families did in their leisure time. We learned that several clubs were formed in the local area during this period to entertain the miners and their families. We looked at three specific fields: famous boxers, e.g. Tommy Farr and Jimmy Wilde, the lives of famous footballers and we researched the careers of Cliff Morgan and Willie Llewellyn in the rugby world. The pupils were fascinated to find out that Roy Paul, an FA Cup winner in 1956, was a former pupil of Bronllwyn School.

Diwrnod y lawnsiad/ The day of the launch


Dechreuom ni gyd yn y neuadd; rhieni, llywodraethwyr, athrawon a disgyblion i wrando ar gyflwyniad i'r prosiect. Yna, aethom ni gyd i'r iard i lawnsio'r prosiect gyda balwnau a lluniau i ddathlu ein cyflawniad fel ysgol gyfan. Aeth bob dosbarth ar daith o gwmpas yr ardal leol i adrodd ffeithiau am eu harteffactau.  Daethom 'nôl i ymgynnull unwaith eto yn y neuadd i wylio a gwrando ar fideo pob dosbarth am yr hyn dysgom ni.


We started in the hall; parents, governors, teachers and pupils to listen to a presentation about the project. Next, we all went to the school yard and took pictures with balloons to celebrate our achievements as a whole school. Each class went on a walk around the local area reciting the facts we had learnt about our artefact. Lastly, everyone returned to the hall so that we could watch the video that every class produced. 

