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Croeso i dudalen y Cyngor Ysgol

Dyma aelodau’r Cyngor Ysgol eleni 2019-20. Here are this year’s School Council Members 2019-20

Ein Cyfrifoldebau


  • Trefnu digwyddiadau yn ein hysgol
  • Codi arian tuag at elusennau pwysig
  • Hybu gwerthoedd yr ysgol
  • Ceisio gwella'r ysgol
  • Ceisio edrych ar ôl ein hysgol a'r amgylchedd
  • Lleisio barn holl ddisgyblion yr ysgol


Our Responsibilities


  • Organise events at our school
  • Raise money for charities
  • Promote our school values
  • Try to improve our school
  • Take care of our school and the environment
  • Voice the opinions of all pupils


Dyma aelodau’r Cyngor Ysgol eleni 2018-19 Here are this year’s members of the School Council 2018-19

Bingo Cymreig



Disgo Santes Dwynwen


Trefnom ni ddisgo Santes Dwynwen i bawb yn yr ysgol. Trefnom ni amserlen y diwrnod fel bod dau ddosbarth yn y disgo pob sesiwn yn ystod y dydd. Hefyd, treulion ni ein amser cinio y diwrnod cyn y disgo yn addurno'r neuadd.


Y tro yma, prynon ni ein diodydd a byrbrydau o fusnes lleol yn hytrach na fynd i Makro mewn ymdrech i gefnogi busnesau lleol. 


Santes Dwynwen Disco


We organised a disco for the whole school. We made a timetable to ensure that every pair of classes spent one session in the disco. We also spent our lunchtime, the day before, decorating the hall for the disco.


This time, we bought our drinks and snack from a local business man in an attempt to support local businesses, rather than buy from Makro.


Wythnos Fenter a Busnes a Disgo Nadolig

”The Apprentice” and the Christmas Disco


Trefnom ni wythnos fenter a busnes ‘Wythnos Apprentice’ i’r ysgol gyfan unwaith eto eleni, er mwyn i bawb fod yn rhan o godi elw i fynd tuag at dalu am ein dosbarth allanol. Dechreuodd bob dosbarth gyda £20 i greu cynnyrch i werthu yn y ffair gyda’r her o wneud elw (Yn union fel Syr Alan Sugar!). Codon ni £644.96 fel ysgol i’r Cyngor Ysgol ond enillodd Ddosbarth 8 y wobr o barti, melysion a ffilm ar ôl gwneud elw o dros £90! WAW! Llongyfarchiadau!


Hefyd, trefnom ni ddisgo Nadolig a rhedon ni’r siop ar ddiwrnod y disgo. Roedd gennym ni’r gyfrifoldeb o addurno’r neuadd, paratoi’r siop, gweithio yn y siop yn ystod amseroedd chwarae a chinio a thynnu lluniau o blant yn mwynhau yn y disgo. Roedd rhai ohonom ni hefyd wedi helpu Miss Williams i gyfri’r elw.


We organised a business and enterprise week; the 'Apprentice' week to the whole school once again this year, so that everyone can be a part of raising profits to go towards paying for our outdoor classroom. Each class began with £20 to create a product to sell at the fair with the challenge of making a profit (Just like Sir Alan Sugar!). We raised £644.96 as a school for the School Council but Class 8 won the prize of a class party with sweets and a film after making a profit of £90! WAW! Congratulations!


We also organised a Christmas disco and ran the shop on the day of the disco. We raised a total of £139.25. We had the responsibility of decorating the hall, preparing the shop, working in the shop during break and lunchtimes and taking pictures of everybody enjoying in the disco! Some of us also helped miss Williams count the money after the shop had shut.

Pawb yn mwynhau yn y disgo! 🎉🎄🎅🏼

Dyma aelodau'r Cyngor Ysgol eleni/

Here are the members of the School Council this year 2017-2018: 

Blwyddyn 3- Lennox ac Indina, Blwyddyn 4- Ella a Jacob, Blwyddyn 5- Xzavier a Llinos, Blwyddyn 6- Pierra, Seren a Jamie.

Helpon ni godi arian tuag at elusen Macmillan. Cynhalion ni fore coffi Macmillan yn yr ysgol lle dosbarthon ni gacennau i bob dosbarth gyda chost o £1 yr un. Hefyd, aethom i'r Co-op i'w helpu gyda'i bore coffi ac i werthu tocynnau raffl.


We helped raise money for Macmillan by holding a coffee morning in school. We helped distribute cakes to each class and asked for a contribution of a £1 per pupil for the charity. Also, we went to our local Co-op and helped them sell raffle tickets and cakes for their coffee morning.

Aethom ni i'r Co-op lleol i godi arian tuag at adnoddau iard i'n hysgol. Llwyddom ni godi £205.00. Hoffem ni ddiolch i'r Co-op ei cefnogaeth.


We went to our local Co-op to raise money for school yard equipment. We managed to raise £205.00 and we'd like to thank the Co-op for their support.

Ein gwaith caled/ Our hard work

Noson Ffilm


Rydym ni wedi trefnu noson ffilm ar gyfer  yr Adran Iau i ddathlu cant blynedd Roald  Dahl.

We arranged a film night for the Juniors to celebrate a hundred years of Roald Dahl.





Mae'r Cyngor Ysgol llynedd wedi codi arain i brynu pyst pêl-droed. Diolch am eich gwaith caled! The School Council last year managed to raise money for goal posts to be fitted on the Junior Yard. Thank you for all your hard work!




Ffair Nadolig


Ar gyfer y ffair Nadolig, aethom ati i greu conau losin Rwdolff a Siôn Corn a’u gwerthu am £1.50 yr un. Gweithiom ni am wythnosau i baratoi ac roedd y gwaith yn werth chweil oherwydd codon ni £124.00 i gyd.


For the Christmas fair, we created  Rudolph and Santa sweet cones and sold them for £1.50 each. We worked for weeks to prepare, and the work was worthwhile because we raised £124.00 in total.


Wythnos fenter a busnes

'The Apprentice'


Trefnom ni wythnos fenter a busnes ‘Wythnos Apprentice’ i’r ysgol gyfan er mwyn i bawb fod yn rhan o godi elw i wella’r ysgol. Dechreuodd bob dosbarth gyda £20 i greu cynnyrch i werthu yn y ffair gyda’r her o wneud elw (Yn union fel Syr Alan Sugar!). Codon ni dros £600 fel ysgol i’r   Cyngor Ysgol ond enillodd Ddosbarth 7 y wobr o barti, melysion a ffilm ar ôl gwneud elw o £79.50! Da iawn chi wir!



We organised a business and enterprise week; the 'Apprentice' week to the whole school so that everyone can be a part of raising profits to improve the school. Each class began with £20 to create a product to sell at the fair with the challenge of making a profit (Just like Sir Alan Sugar!). We raised over  £600  as a school for the School Council but Class 7 won the prize of a class party with sweets and a film after making a profit of £79.50! Well done indeed!




    Disgo Sant Ffolant




Trefnon ni ddisgo Sant Ffolant i bawb yn yr ysgol ar ôl ysgol. Wnaethom greu  galonnau ac addurniadau i addurno’r neuadd. Dyma luniau o'n gwaith caled:


We organised an after school Valentine's disco for the whole school. We prepared and made hearts and other decorations to decorate the hall. Here are some pictures of all our hard work:
