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Dosbarth 3 2022-23

Croeso i Ddosbarth 3

Athrawes: Mrs E James

Cynorthwyes: Miss Ch Wilshire

26 o blant yn y dosbarth.










Ebost i gysylltu:

Twitter: Dosb3_YGGB


Ymarfer Corff: Pob dydd Iau/ Thursday (the children will need to bring kit in their bag and no jewellery to be worn!)


How to access set homework

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How to access work

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Te parti Tedi Bers

Felicia o ffeithiau am Drychfilod

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Peintio Blodau

Ditectifs planhigion - pa flodau medrwn ni weld, a beth yw enwau'r coed tybed? Plant Detectives - what flowers can we find and what are the names of our trees

Pnawn Hwiangerddi (use your camera on the phone or Ipad to scan this for it to work)

Diwrnod Tywyn Coch 2023 - didoli losin

Adeiladu Castell

Position Llythyr - ond i bwy tybed?

Darllen a joio!

Trip i Batisserie Bronllwyn? New i weld y tŵr Eiffel

Creu siapiau 2D

Beth am geisio creu ffenest Notre-Dame?

Ymarfer degau ac unedau

Diwali - peintio divas

Creu patrymau Rangoli

Ymarfer Bondiau rhif i 10

Parti Calan Gaeaf

Ymarfer bondiau rhif i 10

Diwrnod ‘Shwmae’

Diwrnod ‘Shwmae’

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Diwrnod ‘Shwmae’

Still image for this video

Pwy sy’n gallu adio 1?

Amser chwarae rôl

Adnabod, trefnu a ffurfio rhifau

Degau ac unedau

Sut i edrych ar ein planed

Chwilio am frigau a ffurfio enwau

Didoli Dail yr Hydref

Creu lluniau Hydrefol

Castling dail yn y parc
