Dosbarthiadau Rhosyn a Chenhinen Bedr
Athrawes- Mrs Evans.
Dosbarth Rhosyn- Miss Frary, Miss Seeley, Miss Wilshire.
Dosbarth Cenhinen Bedr- Mrs Evans a Mrs Walker.
Eleni, mae 60 o blant yn yr uned o dan 5.
There are 60 children in the under 5 unit this year.
Diwrnodau Ymarfer Corff/ Physical Education days:
Dosbarth Rhosyn- Dydd Mercher/ Wednesday.
Dosbarth Cenhinen Bedr- Dydd Gwener/ Friday.
Gwaith Cartref/ Homework:
I gael mynediad i waith cartref eich plentyn bydd angen i chi sganio cod qr unigol eich plentyn.
To access your child's homework you will need to scan your child's individual Seesaw qr code.
Croeso i chi fy ebostio i ofyn am help a chefnogaeth:
You're welcome to email me to ask for help or support:
Yr Hydref
Rydyn ni wedi cynllunio a chreu patrymau ailadroddus gyda'r eitemau naturiol Hydrefol.
We planned and created natural Autumnal patterns.
Sesiwn bysedd bywiog- rydyn ni wedo modelu toes i ddathlu'r Hydref.
Lively finger session- We modelled dough to celebrate the Autumn.
Diwrnod Roald Dahl
Rydyn ni wedi arbrofi gyda siapiau 2d i greu darlun o'r crocodeil anferthol.
We experimented with 2d shapes to create 'The Enormous Crocodile' colllage.