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Dosbarth Rhosyn a Chenhinen Bedr

Dosbarthiadau Rhosyn a Chenhinen Bedr

Athrawes- Mrs Evans. 

Dosbarth Rhosyn- Miss Frary, Miss Seeley, Miss Wilshire.

Dosbarth Cenhinen Bedr- Mrs Evans a Mrs Walker. 



Eleni, mae 60 o blant yn yr uned o dan 5. 

There are 60 children in the under 5 unit this year. 


Diwrnodau Ymarfer Corff/ Physical Education days:


Dosbarth Rhosyn-  Dydd Mercher/ Wednesday.

Dosbarth Cenhinen Bedr- Dydd Gwener/ Friday. 


Gwaith Cartref/ Homework: 

I gael mynediad i waith cartref eich plentyn bydd angen i chi sganio cod qr unigol eich plentyn. 


To access your child's homework you will need to scan your child's individual Seesaw qr code. 



Croeso i chi fy ebostio i ofyn am help a chefnogaeth: 

 You're welcome to email me to ask for help or support:

Tasg weithio gydag eraill- Rydyn ni wedi adeiladu castell Santes Dwynwen. 

Working with others- We built Saint Dwynwen's castle. 

Tasg weithio gydag eraill- Rydyn ni'n dysgu am wthio a thynnu. Mwynheuon ni gynllunio ac adeiladu rampiau ceir. 

Working with others- We've been learning about pushing and pulling. We enjoyed planning and creating ramps. 

Dysgom am wahanol emosiynau. Aethon ni ati i greu mapiau meddwl teimladau. 

We've been leaning about a range of emotions. We created mind maps to reflect different feelings. 

Daeth Mistar Urdd i ymweld â ni. 

Mr Urdd came to visit us. 

Edrychwch ar ein lluniau digidol i gynrychioli'r Gaeaf. 

Look at our digital pictures that represent the Winter. 

Mae gennym ni anifail anwes 'Blod y crwban' . Rydyn ni'n gofalu am 'Blod'. 

We have a school pet 'Blod the tortoise'. We care for 'Blod'. 

Rydyn ni'n rhoi bath i Blod yn wythnosol.

We bathe Blod weekly. 

Canu i Blod y crwban

Still image for this video

Aethon ni i ymweld â Sion Corn. Cawsom ni frecwast anhygoel.

We enjoyed our amazing breakfast with Father Christmas. 

Rydyn ni wedi gosod lluniau stori 'Rama a Sita' ar hyd y llinell stori. 

We rearranged pictures from the Rama and Sita story and placed them in order on a story line. 

Llyfr digidol Ram a Sita.

Still image for this video

Dydd i gofio- Rydyn ni'n cofio am y milwyr dewr. Rememberance day- thank you to all the brave soldiers. 

Rydyn ni wedi paratoi, coginio a blasu cawl pwmpen.

We prepared, cooked and tasted pumpkin soup. 

Edrychwch ar ei draenogod Hydrefol.

Look at our amazing pumpkin hedgehogs. 

Cynyrchu lluniau digidol - Noson Tân Gwyllt. 

Creating digital artwork- Bonfire night. 

Yr Hydref

Sesiwn bysedd bywiog- Rydyn ni wedi cynllunio a chreu pwmpen unigol.

Lively fingers- We designed and created our own pumpkins. 

Edrychwch ar ein lluniau digigol Hydrefol anhygoel. 

Look at our amazing digital Autumnal pictures. 

Rydyn ni'n ysgrifennu brawddegau. 

We are writing sentences. 

Sesiwn bysedd bywiog- Cyfrifo a gosod pigiadau y draenogod. 

Lively fingers- Counting and placing the hedgogs spikes. 

Rydyn ni wedi cynllunio a chreu patrymau ailadroddus gyda'r eitemau naturiol Hydrefol. 

We planned and created natural Autumnal patterns. 

Sesiwn bysedd bywiog- rydyn ni wedo modelu toes i ddathlu'r Hydref. 

Lively finger session- We modelled dough to celebrate the Autumn. 

Dathlu gwaith campus.

Celebrating amazing work. 

Diwrnod Roald Dahl

Rydyn ni wedi arbrofi gyda siapiau 2d i greu darlun o'r crocodeil anferthol.

We experimented with 2d shapes to create 'The Enormous Crocodile' colllage. 

Ymarferion ffurfio. 

Formation activities. 

Gweithgareddau Tric a Chlic. 

Tric a Chlic activities. 
