Home Page

Dosbarth Lili Wen Fach

Croeso i Ddosbarth 3!

Athrawes: Mrs E James

Cynorthwyes: Miss Ch Wilshire

Nifer o blant: 28


My email address:



Ymarfer Corff: Dydd Iau/ Thursday

Children will need to bring their P.E clothes in a bag to practise changing. 

NO EARRINGS to be worn on PE days. Children are unable to take part in the lesson if they're wearing earrings.


Please return book bags every Wednesday.

Homework to be completed on HWB. Each child will be given a password (please keep this safe) 

There's a video here showing you how to access the homework.


How to access your child's homework

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Here are two videos you need to watch to access your child's weekly homework.

How to access your child's homework

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Sesiwn Ioga

Efelychu gwaith Helen Elliott ar yr iard

Death cywion ar ymweliad i’r ysgol.

Dosbarth Pabi yn darllen stori i ni.

Gwledd parti iachus i agor Castell Brenin Gwrtheyrn

Diwrnod Trwyn Coch 2024

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Joio mae draw yn dawnsio ar Ddiwrnod Trwyn Coch 2024

Diwrnod Trwyn Coch 2024

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus


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Cyw ym Mronllwyn

Pwy yw’r talaf?

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Rydw i’n gallu clymu lasys

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Experimenting with ice

Taith i bostio llythyron

Adeiladu Castell I Santes Dwynwen

Ymarfer corff

Noson Tân Gwyllt

Trefnu rhifau

Dydd Llun Lles - casglu dail. Rhai melyn, oren, brown, mawr a bach.

Pa grŵp oedd yn Fuddugol, tybed?

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Addysgu am dynnu a gwthio

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Addysgu am dynnu a gwthio

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Addysgu am dynnu a gwthio

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Addysgu am dynnu a gwthio

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Addysgu am dynnu a gwthio

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Taith i’r Parc

Mae Elis wedi creu robot
