Dewch i gwrdd a staff yr ysgol.
Come and meet the staff at our school!
Pennaeth / Headteacher : Mrs Nicola Gould
Dirprwy Bennaeth / Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Victoria Riding
Athrawon / Teachers: Dosbarth 1:
Dosbarth 2: Mrs R Evans
Dosbarth 3: Mrs E James
Dosbarth 4: Miss J Doran
Dosbarth 5: Miss B Mathias
Dosbarth 6: Miss D Andrews
Dosbarth 7: Mr S Rock
Dosbarth 8: Miss C Williams
Staff Cynorthwyol/ Support Staff:
Dosbarth 1: Miss S Frary, Miss N Sealey, Miss C Davies/ Miss S Elliott, Mrs A Walker
Dosbarth 2: Mrs C Williams
Dosbarth 3: Miss C Wilshire
Dosbarth 4: Mrs S Davies
Dosbarth 5: Mrs R Faulknall
Dosbarth 6 & 7 : Miss B Saggers
CADY/ALN Co-ordinator -ALNCO : Miss B Mathias
Cynorthwyes ELSA / ELSA Support Assistant: Miss N Sealey
Cynorthwyes 1:1/1:1 Support Assistant: Miss D Kelland
Staff Swyddfa / Office Staff: Mrs H Tutton
Gofalwr / Caretaker: Mr A Jones