Darllen / Reading
Cyfnod Clo / Lockdown
Pe bai`r ysgol yn gorfod cau oherwydd y Coronofeirws defnyddiwch y dudalen yma yn ogystal a thudalen Dosbarth eich plentyn am syniadau a gweithgareddau i wneud gyda`ch plentyn/plant tra eich bod chi yn y ty.
If the school is to shut because of Coronavirus please use this page as well as your child(s) Class page for ideas and activities to do with your child(ren) whilst they are at home.
Cofiwch i ddefnyddio HWB / Remember to use HWB
Beth am ddefnyddio Just2easy i gyflawni tasgau amrywiol ?/ How about completing a variety of activities using Just2easy?
Cofiwch i edrych am y ffeiliau wedi'u rhannu gan yr athrawon/ Remember to check the files shared by your teachers.
Grid gwaith cartref. Ymarfer sgiliau / Homework grid. Practicing skills
Keep learning on the ‘boil’
Dewch i ymarfer tablau, chwarae gemau , datrys problemau ac ymarfer sgiliau. Ewch at ein tudalen Mathemateg am wybodaeth a syniadau
Come and learn times tables, play games, solve puzzles and practice skills. Go to our Maths page for information and ideas.
Seiniau RWI/ RWI speed sounds
Can you practice these sounds? How many words can you find which include these sounds?