Home Page

Dysgu o`r Cartref / Home Learning

Darllen / Reading

Cyflwyniad darllen i rieni/ gofalwyr Reading presentation for parents/ guardians

Casglu barn rhieni, gofalwyr a staff yr ysgol / Collecting ideas and views of parents, carers and school staff.

Cyfnod Clo / Lockdown

Pe bai`r ysgol yn gorfod cau oherwydd y Coronofeirws defnyddiwch y dudalen yma yn ogystal a thudalen Dosbarth eich plentyn am syniadau a gweithgareddau i wneud gyda`ch plentyn/plant tra eich bod chi yn y ty.

If the school is to shut because of Coronavirus please use this page as well as your child(s) Class page for ideas and activities to do with your child(ren) whilst they are at home.


Cofiwch i ddefnyddio HWB / Remember to use HWB


Beth am ddefnyddio Just2easy i gyflawni tasgau amrywiol ?/ How about completing a variety of activities using Just2easy?

Cofiwch i edrych am y ffeiliau wedi'u rhannu gan yr athrawon/ Remember to check the files shared by your teachers.

Defnyddio Just2easy ar HWB / Using Just2easy on HWB

Still image for this video
Esboniad am sut iddefnyydio Just2easy i agor ffeiliau er mwyn cwblhau tashau’r athrawon / An explanation of how to open files on Just2easy in order to complete tasks set by your teacher

Using Just2easy

Still image for this video
An explanation on how to complete tasks set by your teacher in order to complete at home using Just2easy

Grid gwaith cartref. Ymarfer sgiliau / Homework grid. Practicing skills


Keep learning on the ‘boil’

Sgiliau pob dydd/ Everyday skills

Rhestr o dasgiau Gwaith Cartref ar gyfer CA2/ a list of tasks to complete for KS2

Rhestr o dasgiau ar gyfer CS/ A list of tasks to complete for Foundation Phase


Dewch i ymarfer tablau, chwarae gemau , datrys problemau ac ymarfer sgiliau. Ewch at ein tudalen Mathemateg am wybodaeth a syniadau

Come and learn times tables, play games, solve puzzles and practice skills. Go to our Maths page for information and ideas.

Mae llawer o syniadau ar dudalen Mathemateg 😁/ There are plenty of ideas on our Maths page 😁

Gwaith Cartref Mathemateg Bl 1 a 2 / Year 1 and 2 Maths homework

Gwaith cartref Mathemateg Bl 3 a 4 / Year 3 and 4 Maths Homework

Cofiwch i ymarfer eich llawysgrifen / Remember to practice your handwriting
Tasgau Darllen / Reading tasks

How many tasks can you complete ?

Tasgiau Darllen Cymraeg

Geiriau sillafu/ Spelling words

Seiniau RWI/ RWI speed sounds


Can you practice these sounds? How many words can you find which include these sounds?

Free Read Write Inc lessons !!

Dewch i wylio.../ Let’s watch ....

Amser Stori Atebol - Cwtsh

A bilingual adaptation of 'Hugless Douglas', by world famous children's author David Melling. The book is part of our 'Cyfres Cwtsh'; 'Hugless Douglas' serie...

Dewch i wrando ar ganeuon Cymraeg / Come and listen to some Welsh music Which are your favourite?

Gwefannau defnyddiol/ Useful websites

Free online websites

Gweithgareddau Lego

Apiau Cymraeg

Rhestr o Apiau Cymraeg

Syniadau 100+ o weithgareddau tu fewn / 100+ indoor activities
