Dosbarth 3
Athrawes: Mrs Emma James
Cynorthwy-ydd: Mrs Sara Davies
Blwyddyn 1/Year 1: 22 children
Derbyn/ Reception: 9 children
P.E every Thursday (No jewellery to be worn) Children to come to school dressed ready for our P.E lesson.
Follow us on Twitter: Dosb3_YGGB
Homework 9.10.20
Use your child's HWB password to access the work. You can complete it directly on the PDF there is no need to print anything. Please remember to save your work. I look forward to seeing your child's work. Diolch
Homework 2.10.20
Many are finding forming numbers and letters a challenge at the moment. Please practise the following with your child!
You could use any medium to do the following, chalk, sticks in mud, flour, crayons, glitter it's up to you.
Homework will be online rather than a homework book. To access your child's homework you will need to login to HWB. I will be sending your child's HWB password home with them shortly. I would like you to practise logging into HWB with your child.
They will need to input their passwords independently.
Please watch these clips on how to login to HWB and how to access the work.