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Dosbarth 4 2021-2022

Dosbarth 4



Athrawes ddosbarth- Miss Jordan-Lea Doran

Cynorthwyes ddosbarth- Mrs Sara Davies



Email address:

Yn nosbarth 4, mae 28 o blant i gyd. Mae 25 ohonynt ym mlwyddyn 2 a 3 ohonynt ym mlwyddyn 1. In class 4, we have 28 children in total. 25 of whom are in year 2 and 3 are in year 1. 


Ymarfer Corff pob dydd Iau . Disgyblion i ddod a'u gwisg i'r ysgol i ymarfer newid. Does neb i wisgo unrhyw emwaith.

PE every Thursday. Pupils to bring their PE kit to school so that they can practise changing in their classes. No jewellery to be worn.



Bydd Llyfrau darllen yn cael eu danfon adref pob wythnos, a bydd gwaith cartref ar-lein trwy hwb yn wythnosol. Ymarferwch fewngofnodi.

Reading books will be sent home every week and homework will be sent online using the hwb platform. Please practise logging in at home.


Profion sillafu pob Dydd Gwener fel arfer. Ymarferwch y geiriau sillafu ar J2blast yn wythnosol.

Spelling tests are every Friday. Please practise the spelling words each week on J2blast.

How to log in to my hwb account:

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How to find my work on J2E:

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Dewch i ddysgu iaith arwyddion gyda ni! Come and learn sign language with us!

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Iaith arwyddion Calan Gaeaf \ Halloween sign language

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Cantre'r Gwaelod


Y tymor hwn, rydym yn astudio'r thema  ysgol gyfan 'Cantre'r Gwaelod'. Dechreuon ni'r daith trwy ddarllen y stori ac edrych ar arteffact o'r stori sef castell. Mwynheuon ni ymchwilio a gofyn cwestiynau fel ditectifs ac edrychwn ymlaen at wneud gwahanol weithgareddau yn ymwneud a'r stori. Dyma luniau o'n gwaith a gweithgareddau:


This term we are studying the whole school theme of 'Cantre'r Gwaelod'. We started our learning journey by reading the story, learning about the characters and we looked at an artefact from the story which was a castle. In Class 4, we thoroughly enjoyed being detectives by asking questions and researching our artefact, and we look forward to completing more exciting activities about the story. Here are pictures of our work and activities:



Ein Sioe Cantre Gwaelod/Our Cantre Gwaelod Show

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Ein gwaith thema/ Our thematic work

Ein arbrawf gwyddoniaeth / Our science experiment

Ein Gwaith Iaith

Ein Gwaith Mathemateg

Bondiau 10 & 20 - 10 & 20 Bonds

Ein cân bondiau 10 / Our 10 bonds song

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Ymarfer corff / PE lessons

Noson Tân Gwyllt/Bonfire Night



Rydym ni wedi bod yn astudio Siapan fel rhan o wythnos aml-ddiwylliannol. Gweld ein gwaith ni o dan 🇯🇵
We have been studying Japan as part of our multi-cultural week. See our work below🇯🇵
