Athrawes ddosbarth- Miss J Doran
Cynorthwyes ddosbarth- Mrs S Davies
Email address:
Yn nosbarth 4, mae 32 o blant i gyd. In Class 4, we have a total of 32 children.
Ymarfer Corff pob dydd Iau . Disgyblion i ddod a'u gwisg i'r ysgol i ymarfer newid. Does neb i wisgo unrhyw emwaith. Tynnwch mas unrhyw clustdlysau os gwelwch yn dda.
PE every Thursday. Pupils to bring their PE kit to school so that they can practise changing in their classes. No jewellery to be worn. Please remove any earrings.
Bydd Llyfrau darllen yn cael eu danfon adref pob wythnos, a bydd gwaith cartref ar-lein trwy hwb yn wythnosol. Ymarferwch fewngofnodi.
Reading books will be sent home every week and homework will be sent online using the hwb platform. Please practise logging in at home.
Profion sillafu pob Dydd Iau. Ymarferwch y geiriau sillafu bydd ar y gwaith cartref yn wythnosol.
Spelling tests are every Thursday. Please practise the spelling words each week, they will be available on the homework.