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Dosbarth 6 2020-21

Croeso i Ddosbarth Gelli !

Dyma ni ...

Mae 33 yn ein dosbarth ni ac enw ein hathrawes yw Mrs Riding. Plant Blwyddyn 3 a 4 ydym ni ac rydym yn gyffrous iawn i ddysgu sgiliau newydd y flwyddyn hon ! 


We are a class of 33 and our teacher is Mrs Riding. We are in Year 3 and 4 and are very excited to learn new skills this year !


Mae ein gwersi Ymarfer corff ar Ddydd Mawrth ac mae angen i ni ddod i’r ysgol yn ein dillad ymarfer corff. 

Our P.E lessons are on a Tuesday and we need to wear our sports kits to school on this day. 


Llyfrau darllen - Mae angen dychwelyd ein llyfrau darllen ar ddydd Gwener a’u rhoi yn y ‘bocs arbennig’


Reading books - On Friday we return our school books and place in the ‘special box’ 





Trydar/Twitter: @Dosbarth6_YGGB


Croeso i chi fy ebostio er mwyn eich helpu a chefnogi / You're welcome to email me to ask for help or support - Mrs Riding

Dysgu o Bell / Home learning

Gwanwyn 2021 / Spring 2021

Thema - Cymru Cŵl 

Dathlu gwaith Wythnos 11/1/21

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Dathlu gwaith Wythnos 18/1/21

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Dewch i wylio ein fidio yn yr eira ...

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Ymdrechion wythnos 25/1/21

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Wythnos 1/2/21

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Wythnos ddiogelu ar lein/ Internet safety week

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Dathlu ein sgiliau.mp4

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Nadolig Llawen Dosbarth 6 !

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Defyddio Hwb / Using Hwb

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Dyma sut i ddarganfod ffeiliau sydd wedi’u rhannu er mwyn cwblhau Gwaith Cartref ar J2easy ar Hwb
This is how you can open files that have been shared on J2easy, Hwb in order to complete homework tasks.


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Using X Box or Play Station to access HWB

Mathemateg pen / Datrys problemau.

Penblwydd hapus Roald Dahl / Happy birthday Roald Dahl !🎈

Gwerth lle / Place value. Beth yw gwerth y digidau? / What’s the value of each digit ?

Fis Hanes Pobl Dduon / Black History Month

Helfa ffeithiau / Fact hunt. Dysgu am Katherine Johnson / Learnng about Katherine Johnson Black History Month

Creu Archarwyr newydd / Creating new Superheroes!!


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Creu awyrennau ar gyfer ein harcharwyr / Creating aeroplanes for our superheroes

Defnyddiom ni bapurau amrywiol i greu yr awyrennau . Pa un yw’r gorau tybed?

Pa un hedfanodd y pellter mwyaf ? / 

We used a variety of papers to make our aeroplanes. Which was the best one I wonder ? Which one flew the furthest ? 

Dathlu Diwrnod Shwmae / Shwmae everyone!

Bwyta’n iachus / Eating healthily

Ein pwmpenni / Our pumkins

Hwyl a sbri Calan Gaeaf ...

Rysait teisennau Pry Cop / Spider cupcakes recipe

Teisennau blasus ac arswydus iawn !

Dewch i ddarllen y stori arwsydus hon !

Room on the Broom - Read by Alan Mandel

The witch and her cat fly happily over forests, rivers and mountains on their broomstick until a stormy wind blows away the witch's hat, bow and wand. Luckil...

Room on the Broom (Song)

Based on Julia Donaldson's picture book, telling the story of a kind witch who invites a collection of animals to join her on her broom, though her cat think...

Ymarfer sgiliau arian / Practicing money skills

Cerddi Acrostig / Acrostic poems

Hanes Guto Ffowc / Guy Fawkes story
