Croeso i Ddosbarth 5
Athrawes / Teacher: Miss B Mathias
Ebost / Email:
twitter: Dosbarth5@MissBMathias
Yn nosbarth 5, mae 30 o blant i gyd. Mae 23 ohonynt ym mlwyddyn 3 a 7 ohonynt ym mlwyddyn 1. In class 4, we have 30 children in total. 23 of whom are in year 3 and 7 are in year 2.
Ymarfer Corff pob dydd Llun. Disgyblion i ddod yn eu gwisg ymarfer corff i’r ysgol.
PE every Monday. Pupils to come wearing their PE kit to school.
Bydd Llyfrau darllen yn cael eu danfon adref pob wythnos, a bydd gwaith cartref ar-lein trwy hwb yn wythnosol. Ymarferwch fewngofnodi.
Reading books will be sent home every week and homework will be sent online using the hwb platform.
Dear parents,
I hope that you are all well and keeping safe.
During these next few weeks, please can you ensure that you read daily with your child. Also, listen to stories together and discuss the story, characters etc. It's important that your child is able to understand what she/ he has read.
Try and do incedental maths with them daily, eg counting coins, playing shop and telling the time.
Use your homework book or HWB to record any work on Word or Powerpoint. Take photographs of your child doing different activities and post them on twitter.
Homework tasks are listed below, and on HWB.
Wishing you well during this difficult time and many thanks for your patience and cooperation.
Diolch yn fawr,
Miss Mathias
Please email me if you have any queries, or DM me on twitter.
Thank you, please stay safe.