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Dosbarth 4 2020-21

Dosbarth 4


Athrawes ddosbarth- Mrs Michaela Halls

Cynorthwyes ddosbarth- Miss Stephanie Elliott


Dilynwch ni ar drydar/Follow us on twitter: @Dosb4_YGGB


Yn nosbarth 4, mae 30 o blant i gyd. Mae 24 ohonynt ym mlwyddyn 2 a 6 ohonynt ym mlwyddyn 1. In class 4, we have 30 children in total. 24 of whom are in year 2 and 6 are in year 1. 


Ymarfer Corff pob dydd Iau . Disgyblion i ddod yn eu gwisg ymarfer corff i’r ysgol.

PE every Thursday. Pupils to come wearing their PE kit to school. 



Bydd Llyfrau darllen yn cael eu danfon adref pob wythnos, a bydd gwaith cartref ar-lein trwy hwb yn wythnosol. Ymarferwch fewngofnodi.

Reading books will be sent home every week and homework will be sent online using the hwb platform. Please practise logging in at home.


Profion sillafu pob Dydd Gwener fel arfer. Ymarferwch y geiriau sillafu ar J2blast yn wythnosol.

Spelling tests are every Friday. Please practise the spelling words each week on J2blast.

Fideo yn esbonio sut i fewngofnodi i‘ch cyfrif hwb:

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A video explaining how to log in to your hwb account:

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How to save and edit work on j2e

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Sut i arbed a golygu gwaith yn j2e

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Ein hymarferion darllen a sillafu/ Our reading and spelling activities

Neidio, adeiladu a sillafu/ jumping, blending and spelling

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Dewch i edrych ar ein ffyrdd hwyl a sbri i ddarllen a sillafu/ Take a look at the fun ways we learn to read and spell

Sillafu a gwirio/ spell and check

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Arwyr/ Heroes


Y tymor hwn, rydym yn astudio'r thema  ysgol gyfan 'Arwyr'. Dechreuon ni'r daith trwy ddysgu amdanom ni, cyn sôn am arwyr sy'n ein helpu o ddydd i ddydd ac uwch-arwyr hefyd wrth gwrs! 


This term we are studying the whole school theme of 'Heroes'. We've started our journey by learning about ourselves, before learning about heroes who help us from day to day and of course, we can't forget super heroes!



Beth sydd tu hwnt i'r Ddaear/ What lies beyond the Earth?


Y tymor hwn, rydym yn astudio'r thema  gwyddonol ysgol gyfan le dewiswyd cwestiwn gwyddonol ein hunain i astudio. Mae disgyblion Dosbarth 4 eisiau dysgu am y Ddaear a thu hwnt ac ysgrifennom gwestiynau i'w hymchwilio. Dyma ein gwaith:


This term we are studying a whole school scientific theme and we chose our own scientific question to study. The pupils of Class 4 what to learn about the Earth and beyond, and we wrote questions to investigate. Here are pictures of our work:



Ein ffeithiau diddorol am y planedau/ Our interesting facts about the planets 🪐 🌎

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Ydy anifeiliaid yn gallu byw mewn gwahanol gynefinoedd? Can animals live in different habitats?


Y tymor hwn, rydym yn astudio'r thema  gwyddonol ysgol gyfan le dewiswyd cwestiwn gwyddonol ein hunain i astudio. Mae disgyblion Dosbarth 4 eisiau dysgu am le mae anifeiliaid yn byw, beth maen nhw’n bwyta a ffeithiau amdanynt. Dyma ein gwaith:


This term we are studying a whole school scientific theme and we chose our own scientific question to study. The pupils of Class 4 wanted to learn about and they wanted to know where they live, what they eat and learn facts about the animals. Here are pictures of our work:


Dilynwch ein Datblygiad Mathemaegol/ Follow our Mathematical Development

Trefnu ac ysgrifennu rhifau/ Ordering, sequencing and writing numbers

Dosrannu degau ac unedau/ Partitioning tens and units

Odrifau ac eilrifau/ Odd and even numbers

Bondiau 10 a 20/ Number bonds to 10 and 20

Cyfri fesul 2, 5 a 10 a dilyniannau rhif/ Counting in 2,5 & 10’s and number sequences

Hopgots cyfri fesul 10/ Hopsgots counting in 10’s

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Rydym yn gallu cyfri fesul 2/ We can count in two’s 🧦

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Hopgots cyfri fesul 5/ Counting in 5 hopscotch

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Adio a thynnu deg/ Adding and subtracting 10

Siapiau 2D a 3D/ 2D and 3D shapes

Chwarteri a haneru/ Halves and quarters

Diwrnod y grempog/ Pancake day 🥞

Sgiliau mesur/ Measuring skills

Amser analog a digidol/ Analogue and digital time

Talu am eitemau a rhoi newid/ Paying for items and giving change

Dysgom ni am Fecsico/ We learnt about Mexico

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Lluniau o'n gwaith/ Pictures of our work and experiences

Diwrnod plant mewn angen/ Children in need day

Stori Dewi Sant/ St. David’s story

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Dathlu gwaith Dewi Sant/ Celebrating St.David’s work

Diwrnod Dewi Sant/ St. David’s day

Wythnos ofalgar/ Caring week

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Dysgom ni sut i ofalu am ein dannedd ac am ein hunain yn ystod tân/ We learnt how to care for our teeth and ourselves during a house fire.

Dysgom ni ddawns werin/ We learnt a traditional Welsh folk dance 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🕺💃

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Cadw’n heini 💪🏼 Keeping fit 🏃🏼‍♀️ #Ionaiach

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Joio gwneud cylched ffitrwydd/ Enjoying taking part in a fitness circuit #Ionaiach

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Ioga uwcharwyr/ superhero ioga 🦸‍♂️ 🦸‍♀️ #Ionaiach

Twymo fel uwcharwyr. Superhero warm up session.

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Ymarfer ar gyfer Mabolgampau/ Sport’s day practice ⚽️

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Mabolgampau Dosbarth 4/ Class 4’s Sports Day 🏃‍♀️ 🏅

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