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Dosbarth 7 2019-20

Dosbarth 7/Class 7


Athrawes: Miss Williams

Croeso i ddosbarth 7! Mae 31 o blant blwyddyn 4 a blwyddyn 5 yn ein dosbarth.

Welcome to class 7! There are 31 year 4 and year 5 children in our class.

Croeso i chi fy ebostio os ydych chi angen unrhyw gymorth.

You're welcome to email me if you need any help or support.

Dyma Ni!

Returning to School

Returning to school from the 29th of June

We will be welcoming some of the children back next week. Here’s a video of the class for them to see how it looks before school starts so that it’s not a shock to them. The tables are numbered. I will give your child a number in the morning and that will be your child’s chair/ table for the day. Coats and bags are to be kept on the chair and not on their hooks.

I’m very much looking forward to seeing them !

Croseo nôl / Welcome back

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Dysgu o'r cartref

Home Learning


Mae yna lawer o syniadau ar ein tudalen 'Dysgu o'r cartref'.

There are a number of ideas for things to do at home on our'Home Learning' page.


Dyma grid sydd yn dangos sgiliau pwysig i ymarfer yn ddyddiol.

Here's a grid that includes important skills to practice daily.

Children can complete tasks on paper, in books that have been sent home or on J2Easy on Hwb. All Hwb details have been sent home.


We would love to be able to see the work they are completing and pictures of any practical and fun activities they've been busy doing and Hwb is a great way of sharing these with us. Children could also make a scrapbook about their 'Home Learning'. They could include pictures, write about what they've been doing and decorate their books and bring them back into school to share with the rest of the class. 


I will also set tasks on Hwb. There is a video on the 'Home Learning' page of website for children who are unsure how to open set tasks. Children should complete tasks on Hwb if possible, although we understand that a laptop/iPad may not always be available so they can complete some on paper/ in books if that's easier.  


All children are different so please feel free to simplify tasks or set challenges for your children to suit their individual needs.

Negeseuon i’n ffrindiau/ Messages to our friends

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Diolch i bawb sydd wedi anfon neges.
Thank you to all who have sent in a message. 🌈

Neges gan Scarlett am edrych ar ol ein hamgylchedd

Still image for this video

Week 15 Activities

Week 14 Activities

Week 12 Activities

Week 11 Activities

Hanner Tymor/ Half Term

We will continue with our theme of 'Nature' after half term. You can use this time over half term to maybe help do some gardening. You could plant seeds, decorate plant pots, make or decorate a bird feeder, wind chime or windmill. Whatever you do during the week, remember to take pictures and save them in your file on Hwb for me to see. You could also keep track of everything you're doing by writing a diary.


You could use this time to complete tasks that have previously been set but you have not completed.


On Hwb I have shared a link to the imoves website that has activities to keep you active during half term. I have also shared a PDF file with you called 'Good deed for the day' that has ideas of good deeds (kind things) that you can do for others. Why not choose a few to try?


Most importantly, enjoy spending time with your family doing things you enjoy!


Thank you for all your hard work so far. If you need anything at all don't hesitate to contact me, either through Hwb or email:


I miss you all and can't wait to see you when it's safe to do so.


Have a great half term!


Stay safe,

Miss Williams x

Week 9 Activities

Week 8 Activities

Week 7 Activities

Country Project (Work to do during the Easter holidays)

Syniadau tasgau dosbarth 7 wythnos 2 / Week 2 activity ideas

Week 2 science experiment details

Syniadau tasgau wythnos 1 dosbarth 7/ Activity ideas class 7 week 1


Caiff gwaith cartref ei anfon adref pob dydd Gwener a chaiff llyfrau darllen a chofnodion darllen eu anfon adref a’u dychwelyd yn ddyddiol. Dylech ddychwelyd bagiau gwaith cartref pob dydd Mercher.

Homework will be sent home every Friday and returned every Wednesday.  Reading books and records will be sent home and should be returned daily.


Bydd ymarfer corff ar ddydd Mawrth a dydd Gwener yn ystod tymor yr Hydref.

Sicrhewch fod gan eich plant cit ac esgidiau addas ar y diwrnodau yma os gwelwch yn dda.

P.E. will take place on Tuesdays and Fridays during the autumn term.

Please ensure your child has suitable kit and footwear on these days.

Cyfranwyr mentrus, creadigol

Dysgwyr uchelgeisiol, galluog 

Rhannu symiau wrth ddefnyddio cymarebau. Dividing amounts into a ratio.

Unigolion iach, hyderus 

Cefnogi Cymru!

Unigolion iach, hyderus

Joio sesiwn ioga gynta’r flwyddyn! Enjoying the first yoga session of the year!

Cyfranwyr mentrus

Dysgwyr uchelgeisiol, galluog

Dysgu am bedwar elfen Meddwl Gyfrifiannol yn ystod gweithdy. Learning about the four elements of Computational Thinking during a workshop with Technocamps.

Cyfranwyr mentrus, creadigol

Collage o’u blaenllythrennau wedi’u creu o’u hoff bethau! Collage of their initials made from their favourite things!

Blwyddyn 5 yn dysgu am beryglon tân ystafell wely gyda SWFireandRescue Diolch! Year 5 learning about the dangers of bedroom fires with SWFireandRescue Thank you!

Cyfranwyr mentrus, creadigol

Unigolion iach, hyderus

Unrhyw syniad beth rydyn ni’n creu o ddeunyddiau sydd wedi’u hailgylchu? Can anybody guess what we’re making from our recycled materials?

Rydyn ni’n hapus iawn gyda’n anghenfilod pryderon!

Nawr mae gennym ni rhywle i rannu ein pryderon 😁 We now have somewhere to share our worries 😁

Unigolion iach, hyderus

Diwrnod iechyd meddwl!

Using our senses to think about what makes us happy 😃
