Croeso i ddosbarth 4
Athrawes ddosbarth- Mrs Michaela Halls
Cynorthwyes ddosbarth- Miss Nicola Sweet
Yn nosbarth 4, mae 30 plant i gyd. Mae 22 ohonynt ym mlwyddyn 2 ac 8 ohonyn ym mlwyddyn 1. In class 4, we have 30 children in total. 22 of whom are in year 2 and 8 are in year 1.
Ymarfer Corff pob dydd Mercher.
PE every Wednesday.
Llyfrau darllen a gwaith cartref i'w dychwelyd pob Dydd Mercher.
Reading books and homework to be returned very Wednesday.
Profion sillafu pob Dydd Gwener.
Spelling tests are every Friday.
Stori Beth Nesaf gan Jill Murphy, Noson Serennog gan Van Gogh a Pobl y pants o’r gofod/ Whatever Next story by Jill Murphy, Starry Night by Van Gogh and Aliens love underpants
Y tymor hwn, rydym yn astudio'r stori Beth Nesaf, edrych ar waith Van Gogh o’r enw ‘Noson Serennog’ a’r stori Pobl y pants o’r gofod. Rydym yn mwynhau dysgu'r storiau ar ffurf Pie Corbett a gwneud gwaith sy'n gysylltiedig â'r storïau a gwaith celf.
This term we are studying the story Whatever Next, Aliens love underpants and Van Gogh’s worked named ‘Starry Night’.We are enjoying learning the stories in the form of Pie Corbett, and we are thoroughly enjoying producing pieces of work based upon the stories and artwork.
Y Gofod/ Space
Rydym mor gyffrous i ddysgu ffeithiau diddorol am y gofod. Mae'n wych!
We are so excited to learn many interesting facts about Space. It's fascinating!
Stori yr Hugan Fach Goch a Hansel a Gretel/ Little Red Riding Hood and Hansel and Gretel
Fel rhan o’n thema ‘Amser maith yn ôl’, canolbwyntion ni ar ddwy stori sef Yr Hugan Fach Goch ac Hansel a Gretel. Dyma gasgliad o luniau am yr holl waith mwynheuon ni gwblhau.
As part art of our theme ‘Once upon a time’, we concentrated on two stories which are Little Red Riding Hood and Hansel
and Gretel. Here is a collection of pictures showing all of the work we enjoyed completing.
Dilynwch ein Datblygiad Mathemaegol/ Follow our Mathematical Development
Odrifau ac eilrfau/ Odd and even numbers
Dosrannu degau ac unedau/ Partitioning tens and units
Trefnu ac ysgrifennu rhifau/ Ordering and writing numbers
Ein hwythnos aml-ddiwylliant/ Our multicultural week
Yr wythnos hon, astudiom ni India a dysgom lawer o bethau diddorol am y wlad. Edrychom ni ar batrymau Rangoli a’u llinell gymesur, dysgom ni ffeithau am y wlad, crëom grefft yn seiliedig ar ŵyliau’r crefydd, edrychom ar wisg a dawns draddodiadol y wlad. Mwynheuon ni gymaint!
This week, we have been learning about India as part of our multicultural week. We have studied Rangoli patterns and their symmetry, we learnt many intertesting facts about the country, we created crafts based on the country’s festivals as well as learning about India’s culture. We have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!